Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing With Applications <p><strong>Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing With Applications</strong> is a broad-based journal covering all branches of computational or applied mathematics with special encouragement to researchers in theoretical computer science and mathematical computing. It covers all major areas, such as numerical analysis, discrete optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, theory of computation, control theory, theory of algorithms, computational logic, applied combinatorics, coding theory, cryptographic, fuzzy theory with applications, differential equations with applications. Journal features research papers in all branches of mathematics that have some bearing on the application to scientific problems, including areas of actuarial science, mathematical biology, mathematical economics, and finance.</p> en-US (Ismail Husein) (Ismail Husein) Mon, 20 May 2024 15:11:02 +0700 OJS 60 APPLICATION OF THE MONTE CARLO METHOD IN PREDICTING THE NUMBER OF BUDGET PROPOSALS ACCEPTED IN NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICE <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="s29"> <div> <p class="s25"><span class="s34">A budget is a planning tool regarding future expenditure and revenues, generally prepared for one year. The prediction simulation for approved budget proposals is an estimate of the calculation of the approval rate for approved proposals in the following year. This research uses the Monte Carlo method in solving problems. This method can be used in problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, namely prediction limits.the author uses a quantitative descriptive method, which is a form of research that focuses on the facts and characteristics of the research object by combining related variables. This research uses the Monte Carlo method uses random numbers and probability statistics to solve problems.The data used to predict the approved proposal budget is the budget proposal data that is approved each year. The following is one of the approved proposal data, namely the approved budget proposal data from 2021, 2022 and 2023 budget proposals received using the Monte Carlo Method which has been implemented at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Service with the simulation namely with an average percentage in 2022 of 84% and in 2023 by 76%. So with the successful application of the Monte Carlo Method to predict the number of budget proposals received at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Service for 2024 it will provide convenience for the North Sumatra Provincial Health Service to find out what the predicted number of budget .</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Riska Harahap, Maharani Putri Adam Siahaan, Rina Widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing With Applications Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF THE FORWARD RECURSIVE EQUATION MODEL ON WASTE TRANSPORTATION ROUTES IN MEDAN JOHOR DISTRICT USING DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING ALGHORITHM <p>Waste problems often occur in big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Semarang. Urban waste is waste produced by human activities in urban areas, including various types of materials such as plastic, paper, metal and organic materials. Therefore, waste needs to be collected, transported and disposed of immediately to prevent negative impacts on the environment. With the increase in population in urban areas, it is likely that the amount of waste will also increase. The solution that can be used to solve this problem is to optimize the distance using a dynamic programming model forward recursive equation algorithm. The application of dynamic programming can be used to solve various problems such as determining the shortest distance, optimal flow, task or resource scheduling, production planning, network optimization, and problems in research and development projects. Based on determining the optimal route for transporting waste in Medan Johor District using the dynamic programming algorithm forward recursive equation model, the total distance is 26,2km.</p> Syarifah Hanum, Maudya Nur Azura, Dinda Permata Sari, Ismail Husein Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing With Applications Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700