Introduction: Family planning determines the quality of the
family because it has the potential to save women's lives and improve
their health status, especially by preventing unwanted pregnancies,
birth spacing, and reducing the risk of infant mortality. The low level
of family planning acceptance is caused by the influence of children's
grades. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of
children's cultural, economic, social, and psychological values on the
participation of women of childbearing age in the Family Planning
program in the working area of the Pijokorling Public Health Center.
Methods: The population of this cross-sectional observational study
consisted of 825 mothers in couples of childbearing age, and 92 of
them were randomly selected to be used as samples for this study
using simple random sampling technique. This study collects data
through observation and interviews. Results: Chi-square test and
multiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data. The
findings of this study indicate that there is a relationship between
children's cultural values ( p<0.001 ), children's economic values (p =
0.001), children's social values (p = 0.034), and children's social
values (p = 0.034). psychological value of children (p = 0.020) and
participation of mothers of reproductive age couples in the Family
Planning program. Conclusion: what is obtained is that children's
cultural values have the greatest influence on the participation of
women of childbearing age in the Family Planning program in the
working area of the Pijorkoling Health Center. Health workers,
especially those from the BKKBN (National Family Planning
Coordination Agency) in the working area of the Pijorkoling Health
Center, Padangsidimpuan District, are expected to continue educating
EFA mothers about the importance of participating in the Family
Planning Program through health education which emphasizes that
women of childbearing age (EFA) are responsible. on their own
reproductive health.