Social Cultural Impact Of Tourist Interaction With Local Community In Lake Toba Area
Interaction Between Tourists and Local Communities, Socio-Cultural ImpactAbstract
Lake Toba is a tourism area in North Sumatra, where interactions
between tourists and local communities have an impact on the
growth of tourism life. The form of interaction varies based on the
motivation and actor of the interaction. The first is for business
transactions, tourists as consumers and business actors as providers.
The second occurs when tourists and the public meet at the same
tourist attraction, namely a cafe restaurant with the motivation of
friendship, finance, and romance. The next interaction occurs when
both parties seek information, both about tourism, culture and
personal data. Interactions for transacting tourism occur more often,
followed by interactions when tourists and local people meet at cafes
or restaurants on Lake Toba. Interactions can then be distinguished
between tourists and working people, and with non-working people.
Socio-cultural impacts due to these interactions include
demonstrative effects, changes in social values, for example: norms
change views on the relationship between men and women,
materialistic nature and cultural values in performing arts, cultural
learning and tourism culture.