Global Trends In The Learning Process Of Pancasila And Citizenship Education In Schools


  • Aina Aina Department of Da’wah and Islamic Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Syalwa Marliza Department of Da’wah and Islamic Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Salsabila Husna Pulungan Department of Da’wah and Islamic Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Rahmansyah Fadlul Al Karim Rambe Department of Da’wah and Islamic Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara



The use  of  social  media  for  the  younger  generation  can increase  interaction between  users  without  being  limited  by  distance  and  time.  The  ease  of  interaction  has  an impact by making it easier to communicate both conveying news/messages and responding in  the  form  of  criticism  or  suggestions.  One of the negative impacts that can occur is conveying a message in the form of an invitation to instill hate speech related to the life of the nation and state. The study was conducted to examine the influence of social media on national insight in the younger generation UINSU, Sumatera Utara. Survey research with  the  independent variable (X) namely social media and the dependent variable (Y) namely national insight. Based on the results of the data processing obtained a significance  (Sig)  of  0.020  <0.05  so  it  is  concluded  that  social  media  (X)  has  an  effect  on national insight (Y).





